Installing Owncloud 7 on QNAP hardware – upgrade from version 6

4. Decompressing

This step is exactly as described by the Owncloud manual. No quirks here:

tar xjf owncloud-7.0.0.tar.bz2

However, this is the main reason why I never have Owncloud on the original root directory. If that was the case, decompressing would overwrite any already present files, regardless of the intention. I’d rather do it by hand. This also allows for tests before committing to a new version.

5. Clean old files and move new files

This point is not clear on the Owncloud manual, and it does’t need any QNAP changes, but let me help here. There are a few different ways to do this, I did it on 2 steps:

  • Clean old files by using “rm -rf”. Please use extreme caution when doing this and make sure you’re on the current own cloud directory, and only with the options and files described below
 rm -rf 3rdparty AUTHORS COPYING-AGPL apps console.php core cron.php db_structure.xml index.* info.php l10n lib occ
 rm -rf ocs php.ini public.php remote.php robots.txt search settings status.php themes version.php
  • Move new files.
mv owncloud/* owncloud_current/

On this step a few errors may occur and specifically “mv owncloud/* owncloud_current/” . Please ignore this as there is no purpose on using the default config on an already existing Owncloud install.

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